The 2020 VGA Reveals: A Glimpse Into The Future

The 2020 video game awards have come and gone and while the focus of this event was deciding what games were the best of that year, many of the announcements were either for newly revealed IP's or games that have had at least one reveal prior. Considering how disappointing last year's VGAs were and considering the state of the world we’re living in now, I’d be lying if I said these reveals did not exceed my expectations.

Naughty Dog vs Sucker Punch: There Can Be Only One G.O.T.Y. FOR 2020!!!

With a plethora of games and categories to choose from at this year’s Game Awards, the one category I’m concerned about is the Video Game of the Year V(GOTY). In my opinion, these two “quarantine companions” that millions purchased and were displayed on social media for all to see, were the highlights of the summer and year. Even as I write this, these games are just days/hours away from becoming the best of the best for 2020.

Kingdom Hearts III: The Series Keeps Getting Better!!!

Kingdom Hearts III is everything I could hope for. Speaking as a fan, being able to play the next chapter in Sora’s saga was extremely fun. The gameplay is captivating and will have you playing for hours. I think everyone should give this game a shot even if they didn’t follow the franchise. The way I see it, after playing Kingdom Hearts III, they’ll want to play ALL the games in the series. Who knows? This game might create an even bigger fandom and with that maybe a new game...

It’s-A-Him: Mario and His Grand Impact on Gaming.

Since 1985, one name has stood high in video games, and endured longer than any of them: Mario. The plumber is so well known that even people who don’t know about video games know who he is!!! How is it that, a plumber, who hops on turtles for a living managed to survive the gaming evolution?…. it’s no exaggeration to say that Mario has had a substantial hand in shaping video games throughout the years, from the ‘80s to the present day….HAPPY MAR10 DAY!!!

Prosperity in Gaming Bundles

When I was growing up, playing games was so much simpler than it is now. You would get the game, play it, and be content you beat it. In my first article, I discussed how the gaming industry uses microtransactions to bring in profits. However, this isn’t their only cash cow. The gaming industry has figured out another way to make themselves more profitable and now, they’re creating different versions of the same game….. (Credit to artist for this image)

Why I love Dragon Age!!!

Whenever I talk about video games to my friends I always find myself gravitating to Dragon Age; whether it’s comparing the plot, game mechanics, or how the in-game-lore caters to a diverse audience. Amazing and dynamic, Dragon Age has become the new standard for what I look for in games.  With multiple-choice variations, you can even create detailed characters which resemble different diversities. Here, dark skinned characters have a chance to shine.  Furthermore, Dragon Age doesn’t discriminate; even when it comes to multiple romance options catering to many different sexualities!

A New Form of 'Profitable' Cheating: Microtransactions

Overall, gaming has become lazy. Instead of putting in work, some gamers are taking the easy way out through microtransactions. Games were made to make you work towards a wide degree of goals; They made gamers look forward to the many accomplishments they could achieve by putting in the time and work. However, with microtransactions, game companies have proven that if a customer has ‘a lot’ of money, it makes things a lot simpler for the lazy player...and boring for others…

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - The Last Smash Bros. We Ever Need?

Ultimate is by far the best looking the Smash Bros. series has ever been, with characters popping thanks to the realistic yet still cartoony looking designs. I got the game when most people did, on release day, December 7th, 2018 and my friends and I wasted no time, and played the game practically all weekend. While we played, I came to appreciate just how great this game is...