What's to Rogue-Like? Has-Been Heroes vs. Into the Breach

Since buying a Nintendo Switch, I’ve played two more roguelike games: Has-Been Heroes and Into the Breach. Yet, for being games in the same genre, I had very different reactions to both these games. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and in playing these games, I believe I’ve realized something: there’s a right way and a wrong way to create roguelike video games.

Kids + FORTNITE = Violence? - What Effect does FORTNITE have on Children

Why Fortnite? Simple, it is one of the most popular games today. Its player base is about the same as Mexico’s population, and it has become the main target of the anti-video game lobby. Do I need to explain more? Epic Games, the creative team behind Fortnite, just announced this past August, that they set the record for the most usage in the history of gaming as well as being the impedance for nearly 200 divorces! It's friggin popular.

What Makes the Switch?

The Switch is the first console ever made to be both a home console, and a portable, handheld one. This gives the Switch a unique position – it’s not a high end console you can only play at home like the Playstation 4, or a portable system that has a tiny screen like the old original Nintendo 3DS. Instead, it’s a fusion of both.