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Captain America: Civil War Review

Captain America: Civil War Review



    Marvel is back at it again with yet another box office hit! Following the successful release of Deadpool was Captain America: Civil War. This highly anticipated film easily scored the fifth spot of movies with the best opening weekend, according to, coming in at $180 million and why wouldn't it? After all, the third installment of Captain America is action packed and loaded with special appearances, epic battles, and choosing a side. Beware of spoilers from here on out.

    Unlike Marvel's rivaling film, DC's Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Civil War creates an impacting situation between two of the lead characters, Iron Man and Captain America.

            After the United Nations decide to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will enable the government to authorize and control the  Avengers when seen fit, a division between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers unravels. Tony agrees with the proposed law, believing that the Avengers must be handled to avoid any more destruction of land and people. Steve believes in the Avengers' motives and has faith that, despite the mess they leave in the wake of a fight, they are in for a better future. Although it develops slowly before getting to the good old fight scene, the character's views and perspectives are laid out on the table.

           Beyond the obsession and exhilaration of super heroes joining forces, or going against each other, is a comprised message that relates to the real world. Marvel is no stranger to using political elements in their films. Captain America himself has been used as a leeway of expression in American politics. Let's look at the overall message of the third Captain America installment: Both Captain America and Iron Man have debating views and the result is a fight against each other to prove their points. The film has cleverly allowed viewers to think deep into the government’s antics of power, control and privacy, something that is a big issue in today's American political society. We witness the framing of Bucky as the terrorist behind the Sokovia bombing during the Sokovia Accords signing; a bombing that was later broadcasted for the world to see.

       This televised broadcasting in the film is a play on how much of the media is controlled by the government in real life. In the film, the media's televising of the bombing convinced the people that the Sokovia Accords was, in fact, a good decision with no other unbiased explanation against it. It is a one sided presentation, much like our media today. It is agreeable that Bucky's brainwashed antics are a result of government control and power. Heaven forbid that the government controls what we wear, think, act, and speak like today!

            The ultimate representation of this political element was the big battle scene with a significant moment where both Iron Man and Captain America are pushing against the metal shield, an exact replica straight from the Civil War comics. It can't get any better than that, except for the awesome line up of team members on each side.

            On the left side we have Team Captain America consisting of The Falcon, Scarlett Witch, James Buchanan (Bucky) Barnes, and Hawkeye. On the right side we have Team Iron Man with Black Widow, Vision, War Machine, Black Panther and Spider-Man.

            Black Panther’s appearance in the film was no disappointment. After T’Challa’s father was killed in the Sokovia Accord bombing, T’Challa seeks revenge. Because Iron Man agrees with the decision of control, T’Challa sides with Iron Man as the Black Panther.  On the opposing team is Scott Lang a.k.a. Ant-Man who makes a hilarious entrance in the film as he is awoken in the back of a van by Clint Barton a.k.a. Hawkeye. His excitement of seeing Captain America face to face is what steals the show of his entire appearance.

            One of the best appearances from the movie is the newest Spider-Man! Many fans were already anticipating the arrival of Spider-Man after a teaser was released prior to Civil War’s premiere. Marvel has chosen possibly the best actor for Spider-Man following the atrocious Amazing Spider-Man films starring Andrew Garfield. While he might have been an unnecessary character in the movie, it is a great introduction leading up to the newest Spider-Man film which will be released July 2017. Tom Holland brings to the screen a young Peter Parker whose teenage antics are fitting for his age, as it should be.

If there are any down sides to the movie, I'd say the film focused more on the Avengers, minus Thor and the Hulk, instead of living up to its leading title. Maybe “the Avengers: Civil War” would have made a better name.

            There was also too much to take in. There's a bombing in Vienna, destruction of cities from underground, the death of Crossbones (a death that happened too soon), the arrival of the Black Panther, the appearance of Spider-Man (add in his background story), the Avengers fighting, a revelation of who killed Tony Stark’s parents…(gasps for air). Is there really any way to summarize the whole movie without leaving out anything vital? No, but with this Marvel film, that may not be such a bad thing. It was exhilarating and kept viewers entertained all throughout and that’s what Marvel and its fans thrive on, isn’t it? I know I sure do!

            Get in on all of the action when Marvel's Captain America: Civil War is out on Blu-ray and DVD September 2016. I rate this movie a four out of four stars!!!

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