'One Question' - PAX Unplugged

One of the new formats I'm going to introduce to Region 99 will be my “One Question…” series. Here, I go to a particular convention with one question and don't leave until I have it answered. This month, I attended PAX unplugged, which focused on table top gaming and my “One Question” was this: How, in 2018, are tabletop games not only as popular as ever, but seemingly the most popular they have ever been?

Nostalgia: New York Comic Con 2018 - My Lovely Comic, Cosplay and Toy Heaven!!!

So, it’s the holiday season and if you’re still looking for gifts for the kids or possibly yourself, hopefully my nostalgic reflection of NYCC 2018 will help you. Comic Con NYC 2018 was amazing as multiple figures, video games, cosplay and a sneak peak of the New Dragonball Super: Broly movie were in present for viewing and playing pleasure. As you read, hopefully this will either help in your gifting choices, movie choices, or just persuade you to save up and plan for next year’s NYCC 2019 as a gift for yourself!!!

The Indestructible ANIME-NYC 2018!!!

I have to say…that this con is definitely growing. With an estimated 36,000 in attendance for the 2nd year of operation, AnimeNYC 2018 is not only setting the standard for anime and manga conventions in NYC, its also saying that fans are willing to brave the cold and snow to still attend and support an event filled with up anime, manga, and awesome swag…This con is truly Indestructible!!!

My Experience at AnimeNYC 2018: From Me to You!!!

Once more I go into New York City, this time for an anime specific convention, one that I’d never been to before – AnimeNYC. The convention’s only in its second year, but after the weekend I had, I hope it continues on for many more. Let’s not mince any more words and get down to how things went, day by day.

My NY Comic Con & Anime Fest Experience - 2018

I have one convention that I go to without fail, and that is New York Comic Con, otherwise known as NYCC. This year, I went bigger than I ever have, going Friday, Saturday AND Sunday to the convention. Aditionally, 2018 was also a landmark year in that it brought with it the return of Anime Fest. With so much to say, I’m here to tell you what it was like; the good, the bad and the geeky!!!