America……Needs to be Saved……
“What I write here are my own thoughts and not that of the company”
America’s greatest lie is that this country was founded on the false principles of ‘all men are created equal’……it never was….and it’s possible that it never will be……
But one message is blatantly true ….. Black Men ARE DYING at a rate far beyond the realms of human comprehension and one of the ways this is happening is through police brutality and the man in the high castle is further fanning the flames of bigotry and hatred by arming those against us with the immunity to kill without consequence….
“You take our rhythm, but never our blues”
The laws that were created in America promised us a path to equality only to create subsections of those same laws that promote inequality. Their hatred for us is so extreme that even in our protest, “agents” are being planted to create and sow more seeds of discord and chaos. All for what, because the man in the high castle wants to win, by any means necessary, the leadership of America….again….
Going from protesting to rioting, the American populace is fed up and tired of this injustice. Internationally, we are growing as our voices are being heard from other countries on other continents.
For George Floyd and the many others who have died at the hands of those who signed up to protect and serve; We are gathering, mobilizing and we are going to have our voices heard and as this is taking place all over the country in major cities, we are definitely going to ensure that ‘Mr. Twitter Fingers’, who resides at 100 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC.; can hear us….
Now while some of the protests are peaceful, there are others within the crowds sowing seeds of discord, wanting to profit from this experience.
I’m here to tell you, followed by the many others that are protesting peacefully, your plan will not work. The “agents” that are implanted within the crowds, spraying “BLM”, knocking over stores, breaking windows for gain of profit are getting noticed, recognized by peers in the field and are pointing them out on social media platforms.
Please be advised, with the ongoing looting and violence taking place at night, some public officials are crafting and creating an opportunity to enact the police to militancy. Be careful as you fight for your rights. You are the changers of society now and I support you in every step of the way. Just make sure you check those who don’t agree with your ideals as they are out there for their own personal gain.
Additionally, other peers are highlighting the large amount of ‘projectiles’ laying in wait, ready for chaos. It almost seems like ‘some people’ want us to fight. For example, recorded on Instagram, one individual noted the large amounts of bricks in hopes of protestors to fight with authorities. Planned by the man in the high castle? Perhaps. We simply don’t know. I do know however, that there are dissenters who simply want to watch the world burn using us blacks as the kindle.
And while there are some areas in disarray, recorded by the media, there are other areas in peace mode, working side by side as people of different cultures are walking in unison; fighting the war against racism and police brutality.
I salute you, those who can’t join in the fight, who are home who want to, I salute you as well.
We are now in Day 6/7 of the fight and even as I write this, protesters are a stone’s throw away from the White House in Wash. D.C., ready, willing and able to have a very, very, very physical conversation with the man in the high castle.
But this will not stop the injustice that is taking place. Not by any means, looting will only exacerbate the issue with everyone outside of this environment thinking, ‘typical behavior’. Let us prove them wrong.
Army @ White House
And while your voices are being heard with civil unrest. Civil unrest can either turn into peaceful protests or it can lead to civil war and if it conforms to the latter, what happens then. Do we still win? Or do we doom ourselves to the militancy of the police?
The Looters, The Planters & The Destructors; these “Agitators” who are causing the tide to turn on the fight are not here to fight the injustice, they are here mainly to profit from the chaos. Videos are demonstrating that as these protests are happening, these small groups of profiteers; these ‘Agitators’ are destroying the professional businesses, many black owned; reducing them to rubble.
As they slither through the groups of those wonderful leaders and community members working in tandem to protest reform and change; these individuals are damaging the future of you, your children and your children’s children.
Police have arrested nearly 1,400 people in 17 cities across the United States as protests continue over the death of George Floyd. Video by the Telegraph
And it’s not stopping. What really did it in for me was Atlanta, the Black Mecca of the South.
Recently, I saw Atlanta’s Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, with famed rappers Killer Mike and T.I. discuss with fellow ‘ATL.iens’ and the world to stop looting and damaging their ecosystem.
The mayor urged protesters to go home as the event was no longer peaceful -. With T.I. & Killer Mike Video from 11Alive
Killer Mike Speaks on behalf of the Atlanta protests.
Killer Mike, who adamantly stated that ‘he did not want to be there’ used his power and privilege to urge community members to stop. Philosophical as always, his voice and message became noteworthy as he posed this question to Atlanta and the world at large ‘what good is burning your own house down, to spite the enemy’?
He’s correct. What profits the people in protest when you damage where you live to hurt the people who don’t live in your neighborhood?
We know the answer, there’s no need to repeat it hear. Additionally, what really touched my soul was when T.I. said ‘Wakanda Is Burning’.
Atlanta, the city of Black Love, Power, Prosperity and Enterprise is in flames. Wakanda is on fire by the very people the city holds dear….
‘Are you really hurting the man in the high castle when you destroy your own community? Are you really doing an effective job?’
Former President of the United States, Barack Obama, stated in his address to the protests in the Medium:
Barack Obama
“Ultimately, it’s going to be up to a new generation of activists to shape strategies that best fit the times. But I believe there are some basic lessons to draw from past efforts that are worth remembering……
……it’s important for us to understand which levels of government have the biggest impact on our criminal justice system and police practices…….
……the elected officials who matter most in reforming police departments and the criminal justice system work at the state and local levels.” -Barack Obama; Medium
To the protestors, the future generation of changers for the world. It is your time. Our ancestors have used the platforms of their time to bring about change and now the torch has been passed to all of you.
Your platforms are greater and your voices are louder to create even greater change. The man in the high castle is scared. He should be. As the common folk walk the streets protesting change, the man in the high castle is hiding in his fortress using his ‘twitter fingers’ to stir the fires of racism and inequality. As you march and protest today, please make sure to also use that same voice and body to implement political change on November 3rd 2020. As Obama said….
“change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
That Change is Here. That Change is Now!!!
….And maybe…..just maybe….those principles will ring true…..