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RGN99 Spotlight - Michael Simeon: B.G.C.G.

RGN99 Spotlight - Michael Simeon: B.G.C.G.

On Feb 12, 2019, a content creator launched a video focusing on the Avengers 4 trailer. Tired, exhausted, yet ever vigilant, he expressed his excitement about the trailer by discussing the movie’s title, Tony Stark’s message to Pepper, the additional characters, and his passion for “Stucky” (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes) fan art. Armed with a camera phone and boundless enthusiasm, he shared his love for pop culture...

And the world witnessed the birth of something special..... Black Gay Comic Geek.

Since that inaugural video, BGCG has amassed an immense following across multiple social media channels, hosted and contributed to numerous panels and events, and is rapidly becoming a cultural icon within the digital pop culture ecosystem.

Michael Simeon, aka Black Gay Comic Geek brings a detailed analysis to his discussions about popular culture, providing a unique perspective that blends his identity with his love for all things pop culture. For Michael, he doesn't shy away from the tough topics, like the lack of diversity in mainstream entertainment, he charges head on into the wilderness armed with his wit and NYC vibe.

BGCG's advocacy for diversity extends beyond inclusion to a demand for authentic portrayals of characters that reflect the identities of today, especially on the mutant side.

For example, when Michael mentioned that there's not enough viable Black male characters in the X-Men in his analysis of Marvel Comics boss’ Tom Brevoort, he also acknowledged and highlighted Brevoort's concern about achieving diversity without it seeming forced, a topic BGCG finds frustrating given the commonness of all-white or predominantly straight white mutant teams in comics. His point of view, emphasizing the naturalness of diverse groups, was not only important, but necessary for viewers, especially as representation in media has evolved to many personalities.

Michael’s contributions to pop culture lie in his ability to blend personal enthusiasm with insightful critique, offering a perspective that favors diversity and inclusivity while celebrating the narratives and characters that resonate deeply with him and his audience.

His reviews not only entertain but also incite thought, making him a significant voice in discussions surrounding representation and fandom in today's media.

His YouTube channel, Black Gay Comic Geek, is an amazing hub for discussions on black and queer representation in media, highlighting the gaps and advocating for more inclusive storytelling.

Simeon’s engaging style blends humor, critical analysis, and a personal touch, making his content both, relatable and entertaining for all groups. He navigates current industry dynamics with ease, offering unique perspectives while addressing broader issues such as the previous writer/actor strikes.

Simeon’s unique voice and commitment to representation make his channel a must-watch for fans looking for thoughtful, diverse, and entertaining commentary on pop culture.

#shoutout to BGCG as he continues to move the needle forward highlighting the need for representation within pop culture.


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